Faculty, Researchers and Clinicians

NIH Funded T32 Trainees

Cornell biomedical engineering doctoral students, HSS orthopedic resident and postdoctoral fellow.

Ben Johnston

Ben Johnston

Cellular communication in tendon fatigue injury

(Nelly Andarawis-Puri PhD, Scott Rodeo, MD)

Quinton Wright

Quinton Wright

Collagen Quality in Cementless Total Knee Arthroplasty

(Eve Donnelly PhD, Emily Stein MD)

Sreetha Sidharthan

Sreetha Sidharthan

Tendon Graft Reconstruction

(Scott Wolfe, MD, Timothy Wright, PhD)

Vince Sise

Vince Sise

Cartilage Wear

(Suzanne Maher, PhD, Tony Chen, PhD, Ellen Casey, MD)


Sonia Bansal, PhD

Sonia Bansal, PhD


(Suzanne Maher, PhD; Scott Rodeo, MD)

Lainie Eisner

Lainie Eisner

Tendon damage

(Nelly Andarawis-Puri, PhD; Mike Fu, MD)

Julia Retzky, MD

Julia Retzky, MD

(Scott Rodeo, MD)

Jennifer Bido, MD, MPH

Jennifer Bido, MD, MPH

Stability after Total Hip Arthroplasty

(Tim Wright, PhD and Jose Rodriguez, MD)

Andrea Garcia-Ortiz

Andrea Garcia-Ortiz

In Vivo Osteocyte Mechanotransduction

(Karl Lewis, PhD and Alberto Carli, MD)

Ashley Cardenas

Ashley Cardenas

Intervertebral Disc Degeneration

(Larry Bonassar, PhD and Matthew Cunningham, MD)

Ana Witkowski

Ana Witkowski

PTH and osteoporosis

(Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD; Mathias Bostrom, MD)

Kyle Morse, MD

Kyle Morse, MD

Spinal fusion biology

(Matthew Greenblatt, PhD; Chevy Iyer, MD)

Diane Stonestreet

Diane Stonestreet

Tendon Inflammation

(Nelly Andarawis-Puri, PhD)

Sydney Womack

Sydney Womack

Musculoskeletal Pain Assessment

(Heidi Reesink, VMD, PhD; Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD)

Serafina Lopez

Serafina Lopez

Meniscus Tissue Engineering

(Larry Bonassar, PhD and Scott Rodeo, MD)

CAMEO Members – HSS and Cornell University

Nelly Andarawis -Puri, PhD

Nelly Andarawis -Puri, PhD

Associate Professor

Michael P. Ast, MD

Michael P. Ast, MD

Assistant Attending

Ugur Ayturk, PhD

Ugur Ayturk, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Lawrence Bonassar, PhD

Lawrence Bonassar, PhD


Mathias Bostrom, MD

Mathias Bostrom, MD

Chief ARJR / Attending

Nikolaos Bouklas, PhD

Nikolaos Bouklas, PhD

Assistant Professor

Ryan Breighner, PhD

Ryan Breighner, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Alberto Carli, MD

Alberto Carli, MD

Assistant Attending

Brian Chalmers, MD

Brian Chalmers, MD

Assistant Attending

Itai Cohen, PhD

Itai Cohen, PhD


Ben Cosgrove. PhD

Ben Cosgrove. PhD

Associate Professor

Matthew E. Cunningham, MD, PhD

Matthew E. Cunningham, MD, PhD

Associate Attending

Chitra Dahia, PhD

Chitra Dahia, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Michelle Delco, DVM, PhD, DACVS

Michelle Delco, DVM, PhD, DACVS

Assistant Professor

Eve Donnelly, PhD

Eve Donnelly, PhD

Associate Professor

Mark Drakos, MD

Mark Drakos, MD

Assistant Attending

Lara A. Estroff, PhD

Lara A. Estroff, PhD

Director, Materials Science and Engineering

Peter Fabricant, MD

Peter Fabricant, MD

Assistant Attending

Lisa Fortier, DVM, PhD

Lisa Fortier, DVM, PhD


Andreas Gomoll, MD

Andreas Gomoll, MD

Associate Attending

Matthew Greenblatt, PhD

Matthew Greenblatt, PhD

Associate Professor

Derek Hansen, MD

Derek Hansen, MD

Assistant Attending

Carl Imhauser, PhD

Carl Imhauser, PhD

Associate Scientist

Lionel Ivashkiv, MD

Lionel Ivashkiv, MD

Chief Scientific Officer

Matthew Koff, PhD

Matthew Koff, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Joseph Lane, MD

Joseph Lane, MD


Karl Lewis, PhD

Karl Lewis, PhD

Assistant Professor

Joseph Lipman, MS

Joseph Lipman, MS

Director, Device Development

Suzanne Maher, PhD

Suzanne Maher, PhD

Senior Scientist

Atieh Moridi, PhD

Atieh Moridi, PhD

Assistant Professor

Miguel Otero, PhD

Miguel Otero, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Kyung Hyun Park-Min, PhD

Kyung Hyun Park-Min, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Hollis G. Potter, MD

Hollis G. Potter, MD

Chairman, Radiology

David Putnam, PhD

David Putnam, PhD


Fernando Quevedo-Gonzalez, PhD

Fernando Quevedo-Gonzalez, PhD

Assistant Scientist

Anil Ranawat, MD

Anil Ranawat, MD

Associate Attending

Heidi Reesink, VMD, PhD, DACVS-LA

Heidi Reesink, VMD, PhD, DACVS-LA

Associate Professor

William M. Ricci, MD

William M. Ricci, MD

Chief, Trauma

Scott Rodeo, MD

Scott Rodeo, MD


Emily M. Stein, MD

Emily M. Stein, MD

Associate Attending

Sabrina M. Strickland, MD

Sabrina M. Strickland, MD

Associate Attending

Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD

Marjolein van der Meulen, PhD


Timothy Wright, PhD

Timothy Wright, PhD

Senior Scientist

Russell Warren, MD

Russell Warren, MD


Baohong Zhao, MD

Baohong Zhao, MD

Associate Scientist